Thursday 30 June 2022

Textile Glossary

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the retention of films of liquid on the surface of a textile material.
Last referenced in: Innovations in Fibres, Textiles, Apparel and Machinery (Textile Outlook International Issue 102)
African Growth and Opportunity Act. The Act, implemented in October 2000, provides for duty-free and quota-free access to the US market for apparel made in Sub-Saharan Africa. To qualify for AGOA benefits, apparel must be made in an eligible Sub-Saharan African country and, normally, be produced from materials formed within the region or in the USA. For a limited period, however, the third country fabric provision permits apparel makers in lesser developed Sub-Saharan African countries to source materials globally without losing AGOA benefits.
Last referenced in: Editorial: Post-Quota Scenarios in Textiles and Clothing: Sub-Saharan African Producers Invest for Survival (Textile Outlook International Issue 122)
Air laying:
a method in which fibres are first dispersed into an air stream, and then condensed from the air stream on to a permeable cage or conveyor to form a web or batt ofstaple fibres.
Air permeability:
the volume of air passing through a fabric under pressure.
Air texturing:
a process in which yarns are over-fed through a turbulent air stream so that entangled loops are formed in the filaments.
web or batt of staple fibres formed using the air laying process.
Last referenced in: The World Nonwovens Industry: Part 2--20 Medium Sized Producers (Technical Textile Markets Issue 75)
Air-textured yarn:
a multi-filament yarn which has been given increased bulk through the formation of loops, achieved by passing the yarn through air jets.
Air-through bonding:
see through-air bonding.
an embroidery technique which creates open areas, often in figured patterns and usually on a woven fabric.
an embroidery technique which creates open areas, often in figured patterns and usually on a woven fabric

Link taken from Textile Inteligence
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