Thursday 30 June 2022

Quality Manual

Made By Rohit Khanna

Quality Procedure

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QUALITY Management System and Procedures

Assuring the quality product to the customer has always been our area of prime importance and under-standing this we have always focused on system that assures right quality at every stage, right from piece good procurement to packing and dispatch of product. To ensure that Quality Management system in the company is effectively implemented, it is essential to control generation and issue of documents, registers, forms and log books.  This is achieved by ensuring that the correct issues of documents and data are available at the place of work and obsolete documents and data are promptly removed.
The Purpose of this procedure is to specify necessary action to create & control documents of external origin like Customers specification. It applies to company procedures, Work Instruction, Inspection Standards, Registers, and Forms and log Books.


The Management Representative is overall responsible for the preparation, issue, revision and amendment of Quality System Manual. He is also responsible for issue of all Quality related documents. He is assisted by in charge-System for this activity.
Each HOD / Section in charge is responsible to maintain and control the QMS documents & any other parallel documents in his area of activity.
Management Representative issues and controls all the Quality management documents.
Note: In case of urgency / unavoidable circumstances, if approving authority is not available Management Representative is authorized for approval / amendment of any of the documents. Master copy of the documents must be counter sign by approving authority after his availability.

To achieve this objective, we have divided quality into Seven basic parts and laid emphasis on each part with focus on core area of division.

1.     Piece Goods
2.     Cutting Department
3.     Sewing section
4.     Finishing and Packing section
5.     Training Procedure
6.     Management Commitment & Review
7.    Product Safety Hazards and Maintenance
8.    Profiles of Choice Clothing Co. Pvt. Ltd.

1.  Piece Goods Quality Control Procedure
Right quality of Fabric is the foundation on which a quality garments stands. We have dedicated team for fabric Inspection where 10% of fabric is checked with
 “4 Point System Table for Fabric Inspection

2.  Cutting Department

The cutting section is the ‘nervous system’ of the entire process that takes place during the production of apparels. This section is equipped with state-of-the-art machinery and an excellently trained work force. We have a well defined quality structure for the cutting department which is headed by Cutting In charge.

Cutting Checker:
v   Checks Top, Middle & Bottom parts of a layer to ensure consistency to the pattern.
v   The checker informs to QC if founds any problem in the Cutting layer.

Role of Various Personnel in Cutting Department
Layer man:
v  Layering of Fabric for cutting
v  Bundling of cutting as per sizes for any other specifications.
v  Report to Cutting master.

Cutting Master:
v  To ensure correct laying and spreading of the fabric layer before Cutting.
v  Reporting to Cutting In charge.

In Charge Cutting:
v  Answerable for all cutting related Queries to production Manager.
v  To give directions to Cutting master, if he is facing any difficulty while
 Cutting or setting pattern.

Fusing Section
v  Maintain standard for correct fusing of plies in terms of correct Temperature, correct pressure and dwelling time.
v  To check the functioning of fusing machine from time to time against set standards.

3.  Quality Sewing Section Structure and Procedure
We are equipped with Japanese machinery spread over in different lines, to produce different type of apparel with consistency in quality. To acquire greater and fastest productivity we rely on modern machinery. Machines are equipped with special attachments and guides to enhance production and quality of apparels.
Various members of the Quality team are as below:
In this manual, Jobs and responsibilities of all the members are described. For better understanding of Process followed for day to day working, we have added formats used by various members as a tool to achieve the result.
Critical Operation Quality Checkers
v  They are assigned to check critical operations for the 100% output. They are deployed only to those operations which seem critical and chances of error are high. If they find any defect in the operation performed by tailor, they return the bundle for correction only in case of repeated failure; A Final report is generated and given to floor in charge. 

End Line Quality Checkers
v  They conduct checking on 100% of the output from the batch. All the garments are checked against all possible sewing defects. If any defects are found, it is immediately returned to lines for correction.
v  Discuss all sewing related problems with QC In charge and Production line supervisor.
v  He records his audits Hourly basis (please refer the format attached

End Line QA
1.    He conducts visual audits of End Line passed pcs. and also conduct measurement audit.
2.    He intimates his all findings to the Floor In charge/Manager, QA Manager/QC In charge for immediate corrective action.
3.    He counter checks the reports of In line checkers and End line checkers for any major failure. 

QC In charge
1.    Responsible for quality from cutting to Production.
2.    He thoroughly studies the QA file before starting a new style.
3.    Counter checking and signing QC’s and Checker’s reports
4.    Attending the Internal PPM so that all the points that has to be taken care of must be implemented before starting bulk production.
5.    He insures that below information must be properly displayed in the location.

Ø  Approved sample in the line.
Ø  SPI & Needle No. Display board.

QC For Embroidery
4.    He conducts visual audits of Passed garments by checker and submit report to QA manager/Incharge.
5.    He intimates his all findings to the Floor In charge/Manager, QA Manager/QC In charge.
6.    Crosscheck the production pcs. with the approved sample.

   Finishing and Packing Section
Quality Checker Finishing
v  Conducts the audits of final product on random sampling basis.
v  The report of his audits intimates to Finishing In charge and Production In charge for the corrective action if required.

Finishing and Packing Quality Assurance Executive

v  He closely monitors the quality of the final products which is being packed or has been packed. He compares the quality standard of the product with the approved sample of the customer for maintaining the above standards.
v  Closely monitor the quality standards on the finished merchandise, he himself conduct audits in finishing/packing.
v  All audits are strictly on AQL 2.5 level and intimate his findings to the Finishing/Packing In charge, QA Manager for immediate corrective action.
v  He crosschecks the Initial cutting Pcs. For bulk cutting go ahead and informed to QA Manager.

QA Manager
He is the head of the whole quality team. He acts as platform where the customer’s quality needs are understood and conformed to that of the company’s quality measures. His main responsibility is to motivate and guide to team to achieve the quality mission of the company.

v  Total responsibility of quality from fabric to shipment for entire capacity.
v  Setting quality systems at every department to make full proof production process.
v  Recruiting manpower for quality department based on his past experience and verbal reference check from previous employee.
v  Educating and giving technical training for quality persons to strengthen the team.
v  Giving final decisions for quality product.
v  Daily Meeting with Production in case of any issues.
v  Reporting to management if constant failures in QA.

5.    Training Procedure

Training procedure is established for identifying the training needs of the personnel and providing the same as per their job requirements and based on their experience.  Head P&A is responsible for the implementation of this procedure. Respective Heads of departments are responsible for assessing the training needs of their area of activity and provide training to their staff if required and maintaining the training records in the format attached, ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Training is provided as per the training plan

6.  Management Commitment/Review

The management is to establish the quality Policy, The management is to make the resources available. It is to be ensured by the top management that policy is working towards customer satisfaction. In this the Management has to ensure that the entire requirements, related to the delivery of the products meets requirements.
            On the requirement the management checks the quality system and takes appropriate actions if required on the basis of 

Product Recall

A product recall is a request to return an entire production run of a product, usually due to the discovery of safety issues. The recall is an effort to limit liability for corporate negligence which can cause costly legal penalties and to improve or avoid damage to publicity. Recalls are costly to a company because they often entail replacing the recalled product or paying for damages caused in use.

If any such thing takes place management is to ensure that it is being brought back & amended.  The Management is to ensure that any complaint made by the customers is handled properly with response and replied back to the customer from the concerned department.

7.    Product Safety Hazards and Product Key Risk Areas
The Company is not only committed towards satisfying with its customers by making the products but it has also been insured that the customers are not having any harms through its products. Various provisions have been made in this regards and it been monitored regularly through continuous Audits. 


1.    Needle Control Procedure
Any product possibly containing any foreign metal component, needles or needle component or fragments, or any sharp objects are strictly prohibited in the garment. For this, company follows following Needle Control procedures.
v  Sewing operators are not in possession of any spare sewing needles, Used or new.
v  Needles are replaced by authorized person only.
v  Replacement needles are kept secured and accessible only to authorized person.
v  Used needles are disposed is a container separate from the sewing floor.
v  Any breakage is must recorded in full in the broken needle log with broken fragments attached.

2.    Other Sharp Instruments
It has been insured by the company that all the permissible metal devices to be used in the manufacturing of the product, are used as per the compliances. I.e. Scissors, thread cutters, Hand needles to be properly tight before being used, and no unwanted element is allowed at any stage of manufacturing.
3.    Metal detection control
If necessary or required by the customer, products are passed through Metal detection machine for extra safety to avoid any harm to end user.
4.    Machinery Maintenance
To establish and retain a system of Maintaining all machineries,  records are maintained regularly  by the concerned departments, different formats are implemented to make sure that all Quality procedures are been followed up on regular basis in the supervision of department heads. 
5.    Fabric Testing
It is imperative that all the fabrics are of a good consistent quality and fit for their intended purpose, so to maintain the quality of the fabric it is been tested for many harmful tests before shipping to the customer through third party agencies or nominated agencies of buyer as per the requirement of the customer.
6.    Trims and accessories

Garments also required certain raw material like, thread, buttons, zippers, etc, these Trims and accessories are in majority of times sourced from manufactures which are nominated from customers or with well reputed vendors to maintain the quality of the product and to avoid any substandard material used in the bulk. The list of the vendors is available with trim store. All trims are inspected randomly 10% of the total receiving and defects with action taken are listed in the report with the inspection result mentioned and inspection done accordingly to the approved sample by the merchandiser. 
7.    Production Risk Areas

It has been ensured by the company that all the permissible metal devices to be used in the manufacturing of the product, are used as per the compliances. I.e. Scissors, Thread Cutters, Hand Needles to be properly tight before being used and no unwanted elements is allowed at any stage of the manufacturing.

8.     Profiles & Responsibilities of Personnels
1.     To Assist in day-to-day activities

Layer Man
1.     Layering of Fabric for cutting
2.     Bundling of cutting as per sizes for any other specifications
3.     Reports to Cutting Master

Cutting Checker
1.     Checks Top, Middle & Bottom parts of a layer to ensure consistency to the pattern.
2.     Reports to QC.

Cutting QC
1.     Cross Checks all cutting bundles randomly before dispatch to production.
2.     Make cutting Inspection reports.
3.     Reports to QC In charge.
Cutting Master
1.     To ensure correct laying and spreading of the fabric layer before Cutting.
2.     Reports to Cutting Incharge.

Cutting in Charge
1.     Answerable for all cutting related Queries to production Manager.
2.     To give directions to Cutting master, if he is facing any difficulty while cutting or setting pattern.
Critical Operation Checkers
1.     To check critical operations for the 100% output.
2.     Reports to QC Incharge.

End Line Checkers
1.     100% checking of garments and to ensure quality as per specification and sample.
2.     Reports to respective floor supervisor and QC in charge.

QC In Charge
1.     Responsible for quality from cutting to Production.
2.     Attending the Internal PPM so that all the points that has to be taken care of must be implemented before starting bulk production.
3.     He insures that SPI & Needle No. in all production lines are displayed on board with approved sample.
4.      Reports to Quality manager and G.M production

End Line QA
1.     He conducts visual audits of End Line passed pcs regularly and also conduct measurement audit randomly.
2.     He counter checks the reports of In line checkers and End line checkers for any major failure.

1.     Stitching of Garments strictly as per specification/Instructions
2.     Reports to floor supervisor

Line Supervisors
1.     To ensure the production is achieved in time depends on shipment date with quality. To check and assist the workers verbally in case of any problem related to the style in production.
2.     Reports to Floor In charge.

Floor In charge
1.     Follow-up with line Supervisor in term of quality, specification and needs of that particular style according to the approved sample.
2.     Reports to Production Manager.
Production Manager
1.     Follow-up with entire production team regularly and assist them if any problem arises.
2.     Reports to management.

Quality Manager
1.     Total responsibility of quality from fabric to shipment.
2.     Giving final decision for quality products.
3.     Meeting with production in case of issues.
4.    Reporting to management if constant failure in Quality Audits

1.     To assist merchandiser In charge in Day to day work Coordination with sampling department for getting the sample ready.
2.     Dispatch of samples, Reports  to Merchandising Manager.


1.     To understand and follow sample development as per Customer requirements.
2.     Coordinating production activities and giving all approvals of trims and production go ahead after consulting Head Merchandiser.
3.     Reports to head Merchandiser.

Head Merchandiser
1.     Responsible for smooth working of buyer account in all aspects.
2.     Coordinating with buyer on all day to day activities.
3.     Reports to head operations.

Accounts officer
1.     Day to Day accounting functions.
2.     Bank reconciliation and other bank routine work.
3.     Reports to head Accounts.
Documentation In charge
1.     Preparation of Export Documents
2.     Negotiation of export documents with bank.
3.     Follow ups with shipping and forwarding agents.
4.     Reports to Head Operations.
Management Representative/ Manager (P.A.)
1.     Overall supervision of Personnel Department.
2.     Wage and Salary administration.
3.     He is also responsible for issuing Policy related documents
4.     He is also responsible for regular Audits of Quality systems including product risk and Safety Hazards.
5.     Reports to Vice President (HR&Admin)

Store In charge
1.     Receiving, issuing of materials.
2.     Purchasing Accessories and miscellaneous purchases.
3.     Maintaining challans of incoming and outgoing material.
4.     Preparation of purchase order as per requirement.
5.     Reports to Head Operations.

1.     Ensure preventive Maintenance of electrical/Mechanical Machines.
2.     Repair and maintenance of electrical fitting and fixtures.
3.     Reports to Head(P.A)
Machine maintenance Incharge
1.     Responsible for regular Audit of daily machine maintenance check report and maintains monthly sewing machine maintenance record.
2.     Maintain Broken needle record on regular basis.
3.     Reports to Production Manager.

1.     Overall supervision of sewing, over lock, Button Machine etc.
2.     Repair and take cares of all types of Sewing machines.
3.     Reports to head (P.A.)
1.     All types of sanitation and fitting works as per requirements.
2.     Reports to Head (P.A.)

9.        Internal Quality Audit Plan

Internal Audits are the integral part of the Quality management System; it is the tool which brings the required discipline in place. The Q.A. manager takes the responsibility to do the internal audit. The internal Audit not only gives the opportunity to find the faults without external parties involved but also a chance of self improvement.

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