Thursday 30 June 2022

Machine Wise Sewing Thread Consumption PER Inch

Machine Wise Sewing Thread Consumption PER Inch

Machine Name
Classification    Require thread/inch

Plain Machine,        1 Needle,                   2.5"   
Plain Machine         2 Needle                     5" 
Over lock               3 Thread                  13.25" 
Over lock               4 Thread                  16.75" 
Over lock               5 Thread                  18.75" 
Flat lock                 3 Thread                  16.75" 
Flat lock                 5 Thread                  22.25" 
Bar tack stitching                          7" Generally P/Operation

Button hole stitching                     7" Generally Per Hole

Button Attaching (2 hole)                 3" Per button
Feed of the ARM                           7" For one needle
Kanchai Stitching                          7" For one needle
Back Tape Stitching                      7" For one needle

After this you must include another 25% sewing thread before place the work order.

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